Our Mission

Our Mission

Allergies Shaped My Life Foundation®, a 501(c)3, was formed to help students with financial burdens when purchasing allergy friendly foods during their academic years by providing monetary and basket scholarships, as well as raise awareness and share stories on how allergies have shaped lives.


During my college years I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and a food allergy, which changed my life. I had to start over when it came to eating. After researching and experiencing the eating challenges they presented, I discovered my passion to help others and became a Registered Dietitian. While in college, I couldn’t enjoy the typical college meals or receive college gift baskets during special events. Not only did everything have to be customized but it was more expensive. When shopping for snacks at local stores, my friends could get so much more with the same amount of money. I understand the financial burden of having food allergies and wanted to create a foundation to create awareness and help individuals with food costs during their academic years. My hope is to see the foundation grow and continue to help as many individual students as possible. We will be providing monetary and basket scholarships prior to the school year for high school students entering college/university/trade school as well as current college/university/trade school students. 


Want to help?

  • Spread the word

  • Share your story of how allergies have shaped your life

  • Make a monetary donation

  • Become a corporate sponsor

  • Visit our store

With your support the possibilities to help these deserving students are endless!

Thank you for everything you are doing!